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Chemical Peels

Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology -  - Dermatologist

Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology

Dermatologists located in Tampa, FL & Riverview, FL

Chemical peels use a chemical solution to smooth the texture of your skin by removing the damaged outer layers. Although chemical peels are used mostly on the face, they can also be used to improve the skin on your neck, hands, chest and back. A chemical peel is one of the least invasive ways to improve the appearance of your skin. Sun exposure, acne, or just getting older can leave your skin tone uneven, wrinkled, spotted or scarred.

There are various types of chemical facial peels that can aid in skin rejuvenation. We have licensed staff members who give facials and perform superficial peels (“weekend peels”). Superficial peels are generally applied for 1-4 minutes after the chemical peeling agent is placed. The agent helps to resurface the upper layers of the skin to restore a more youthful, healthy look. We also perform medium depth peels. A medium depth peel requires more healing days; however, it will also yield better results than with a superficial peel. Breaking through the deeper skin layers, medium depth peels are a popular option for skin rejuvenation. Our doctor can determine which chemical facial peel may be right for you.

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