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Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology -  - Dermatologist

Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology

Dermatologists located in Tampa, FL & Riverview, FL

Dry skin every once in a while is normal, and you can usually treat it with a moisturizer. But in some cases, dry skin, also referred to as xerosis, requires dermatological help. The experienced team at Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology, with offices in Riverview and Tampa, Florida, and led by board-certified dermatologist Robert A. Norman, DO, MPH, MBA, can evaluate your xerosis and provide treatment to improve skin moisture and alleviate dryness. Call the office today or request an appointment online.

Xerosis Q & A

What is xerosis?

Xerosis is the medical term used to describe dry skin. It can occur at any time or any age. Common causes of xerosis include:

  • Change in weather
  • Age
  • Underlying skin condition
  • Allergies

You may also be more prone to developing dry skin if you have to wash your hands constantly for your job. Dry skin may also occur after you spend time in a chlorinated pool.

When should I get help from a doctor for my dry skin?

In most cases, you should be able to manage your dry skin at home with regular use of a moisturizer. But if your dry skin isn’t improving with treatment at home, then it’s time to schedule a consultation with the skin care specialists at Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology.

You should also schedule a consultation with Dr. Norman if your dry skin is leading to cracks or bleeding, which increases your risk of developing an infection. Chronic dry skin can also lead to pruritus, or chronic itching, which may have a significant impact on your quality of life.

What can I expect during an evaluation for my xerosis?

The team at Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology offers thorough examinations when you come to the office with concerns about xerosis. In addition to evaluating your dry skin, your specialist may also be looking for any underlying skin or health condition that may be exacerbating your xerosis.

During your evaluation, your specialist:

  • Reviews your medical history and symptoms
  • Discusses your lifestyle and habits
  • Evaluates your skin

If Dr. Norman suspects an underlying health condition, he may recommend additional screenings, such as a blood test.

What are the treatments for xerosis?

The team at Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology creates individualized treatment plans for the management of your xerosis. Your treatment may depend on the severity of your dry skin, the underlying cause, and your medical history.

Treatment may include:

  • Prescription-strength moisturizers
  • Corticosteroids
  • Changes in your daily habits

Xerosis may seem like a condition you can manage at home, but sometimes you need professional help. For expert care of your xerosis, call Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology today or request an appointment online.

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