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Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology -  - Dermatologist

Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology

Dermatologists located in Tampa, FL & Riverview, FL

Chronic itchy skin, medically referred to as pruritus, can affect your quality of life. The experienced team at Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology, with offices in Riverview and Tampa, Florida, including board-certified dermatologist Robert A. Norman, DO, MPH, MBA, can help you get relief from pruritus and improve your quality of life. For a consultation, call today or request an appointment online.

Pruritis Q & A

What is pruritus?

Pruritus is the medical term used to describe chronically itchy skin. The skin condition often coincides with dry skin and can make life uncomfortable and, at times, unbearable.

With pruritus, your itching may be isolated to one body part or affect your whole body. The itchiness may not cause any noticeable symptoms, but in some cases, you may notice redness or blisters at the site of your itching.

The experienced team at Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology understands how much pruritus can affect your quality of life and offer treatments to provide relief.

What causes pruritus?

Underlying health conditions often lead to the development of pruritus. Common causes include:

  • Skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis
  • Skin infections such as scabies
  • An underlying health condition, such as liver or kidney disease
  • Psychiatric condition
  • Allergic reaction
  • Pregnancy
  • Conditions that affect your nerves, such as diabetes

Older patients are also prone to the development of pruritus due to the dryness of their skin as they age.

How is pruritus diagnosed?

The team at Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology conducts comprehensive examinations to identify the underlying cause of your pruritus. Your examination may include:

  • Review of your symptoms and medical history
  • Examination of your skin
  • Blood and urine tests

Sometimes a chest X-ray is recommended to assess your lymph nodes. Itchy skin is often a symptom of enlarged lymph nodes.

What are the treatments for pruritus?

Treatment for your pruritus centers on the underlying cause. To help ease your symptoms, the team at Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology may also recommend topical ointments or prescription medication. Phototherapy, also known as light therapy, may also be recommended.

What can I do at home to minimize the itching?

You may be able to control your itching by making a few modifications to your routine at home. Because dry skin is often a cause of pruritus, the team at Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology recommends you moisturize regularly to keep your skin supple. Avoiding your pruritus triggers and managing your stress may also help.

A warm shower may also ease your symptoms. You might also try an Epsom salt or oatmeal bath.

Pruritus can affect your daily activities. To get relief from your itching, contact Dr. Robert A. Norman Dermatology by phone or online today.

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